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The Swiss School of Management (SSM) is an accredited private institute of higher education based in Madrid.
Swiss School of Management Madrid Campus is located at Calle de Juan Bravo, 69, 28006 Madrid.
The campus is just outside the metro station Diego de Leon (line 5) via Alcantara exit located within the district of Salamanca. This neighbourhood is considered as one of the poshiest area of the city. The campus is also just a 20 min train ride to the city center and close to some Madrid landmarks like Plaza de Toros en Ventas, Wizink Center, Parque Retiro, Puerta de Alcala just to name a few.

We have a diverse student body coming from all over the world. Our programs are fully accredited by International Accrediting Bodies and moreover our institute is Quality Certified: EduQua. The Swiss School of Management originated in Switzerland, however it moved campus years ago so students could take advantage of all the wonderful things Madrid can offer in terms of its cultural opportunities and metropolitan atmosphere. Madrid also provides a more affordable environment for our students from college to grad school.

President’s Welcome Message

I would like to welcome each one of you to the Swiss School of Management (SSM). SSM is a private institution of higher learning that not only meets the standards of today’s professional world, but exceeds them. The Swiss School of Management stands for much more than excellence in business education; it combines broad theoretical knowledge with implementation in the marketplace and real-life situations.

A Wall Street legend who recently passed away, offered a great piece of advice to college graduates. I would like to share his thoughts with all of you:

John Angelo, the 74-year-old New Yorker who led $25 billion investment firm Angelo Gordon & Co., died Friday, January 1, after a struggle with cancer.

He co-founded Angelo Gordon and led the firm for 27 years, and also served on the board of directors at auction house Sotheby’s.

Angelo returned to his alma mater, St. Lawrence University in New York, to give a commencement speech. There, he explained to graduates what he learned in his decades on Wall Street.

Doing what you love is part of it, he explained. But, a big part of doing what you love is making sure you’re good enough at something that you love to do. He said:

“The truth is we tend to enjoy what we are good at. I promise you, that each of you has a skill or talent that is unique, that nobody else has. Pursue what you are good at; discover what you do better than anyone else. And if you do that, you will discover what you love. And once you dig in to the thing you love and are good at, the future will come more easily and obstacles will fall away.

Do not be afraid to fail. If you don’t fail you haven’t taken chances. But when you do fail learn from it. And if you fall at least fall forward closer to your goal.

Never give up on yourselves, never. Life can bring difficult times, but remember that coming from St. Lawrence is a crucial asset for you. Stay in touch with your friends; seek each other out as the years roll on and help each other. Remember that in this country the sky is the limit.”

Over the first few years of his career working on the bond floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Angelo figured out a few things about himself that he says schools can’t teach. He said:

  1. I learned the language of finance
  2. I learned to speak quickly
  3. I could make mathematical decisions quickly
  4. I learned that I could multitask

These are not things that are taught to you in college or business school, but they are included in the skillset of a trader in the last half of the 20th century. I never knew I had these skills.

Last but not least, Angelo had one great piece of wisdom that applies to both newly minted graduates and seasoned veterans:

“The harder you work, the luckier you get.”

Our goal at SSM is to nurture leaders who can inspire others, demonstrate outstanding skills, and work in multi-cultural environments. At the Swiss School of Management, you will learn among a truly international student body as our students come from all over the world. We are proud of this diversity because it adds to your learning experience. Employers value a student who is adept at a diverse workplace. Our second goal is to prepare you for the future. In today’s competitive world, no matter how skilled or talented, nobody becomes a success by themselves.

Studying at the Swiss School of Management is challenging, however, the rewards are tremendous. In addition to acquiring new knowledge and new ideas, our student network is global. Many of your classmates will become part of the growing SSM alumni network.

I am certain that you will find your experience here inspiring and enjoyable and I wish you all the best, wishing you also success in your studies and future careers.

I am looking forward to personally welcome you at Swiss School of Management in the beautiful of Rome, in Italy.

Massimiliano Bracalé, PhD, MBA, Dipl.B.W. HF
Founding President