Cesare Pisani

Professor of Managing Information Technology in the Digital Economy, Management in the Digital Economy

Cesare Pisani is a Positive Critical Technologist with a wide experience in the ICT industry and a passion for teaching and mentoring.

He is Fluent in English, Italian, Spanish, French and during his international multi-cultural career held various C-Level executive positions in Europe and Latin America, including:

  • Chief Executive Officer of TIM San Marino a Telecom Operator
  • President and CEO of Telefonia Mobile SpA a Mobile Operator
  • Managing Director and Executive Board Member of Intercall SA, a ICT company quoted on the French Stock Market.
  • President and CEO of Vocaltec Communications (EMEA), the ICT vendor that invented VoIP, quoted on the Nasdaq.
  • President and CEO of Iridium Argentina, part of Iridium, a global mobile telecom operator quoted on NASDAQ

Cesare Pisani is author of various dissertations and publications, he was Contract Professor of Telecommunication at University of Naples and, in parallel to his executive activity, he has been lecturing at Universities in Europe and in Latin America.

Cesare Pisani holds a Master of Engineering (Summa Cum Laude) from the University of Naples (Italy), a Master of Business Administration from the Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) and an Executive MBA from the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan.

Cesare Pisani is married and has four children. Athletic Person; regularly practices various sports at pro level.